Freedom Folks

Monday, September 26, 2005

Anti-War Moonbats On Parade

Whilst enjoying a refreshing caffeinated beverage this morning I flipped though the coverage of this weekend's Moonbats on parade. One point that simply keeps being reinforced is that these folks on the left don’t like this country.

Okay, off the cuff I discount the protest of anyone under the age of, oh, let’s say twenty-three or so. I don’t mean to disrespect them, I don’t, but soon they’ll have jobs and kids and possibly a whole new appreciation of this whole corporate evil thang.

I also immediately discount anyone with a bright pink wig. It’s nothing personal, but, as a protest statement, it’s more likely to make me think you went to clown college, not Harvard.

One further note, to all those “Anarchists” wearing black masks and bandanas. Umm, how do I say this…your momma’s callin', time to head home boys and girls. You should thank your lucky stars I and some of my beefy pals don’t attend these “pink” deals. If we did, you’d find your points rammed home in an entirely new way and in an entirely new orifice, capisce?

In my perusing of the lunatic left on display this morning I stumbled across this quote on the Citizen Smash site-

The crowd finally settles, and Iraqi-American Nadia Keilani begins her prepared remarks. “I’m not here to apologize for the regime of Saddam Hussein,” she begins,”…but the streets were clean, the water was running, there was no crime, no homelessness, and everyone was educated.” She goes on to blame the sanctions, the “indiscriminate bombing” and the invasion for the suffering of the Iraqi people, and points her finger squarely at George Bush and American Imperialism. “I cry for both my countries, America and Iraq…”

She gets a standing ovation.

I’m not precisely sure where to begin to dissect this drivel, but let’s start at the beginning in an attempt to dispel the lingering swamp gasses that have clogged this girl’s brain.

The streets were clean? Well, they made the trains run on time in Fascist Italy. The police could also beat you to death on the street for the smallest infraction.

The water was running? Much like the blood that gushed in Saddam’s secret prisons. Like the suffering and torment that ran freely in Saddam’s childrens' prisons? Yes the water ran, but at what price?

The streets were clean? Yes, cleansed by the fear of a midnight knock on the door. Made squeaky clean by Saddam’s torturing sons and the secret prisons were dissenters were regularly fed through plastic shredders.

No crime? What in god’s name do you call Saddam’s regime? Disneyland Arabia?

No homelessness? Yeah, I suppose if you kill enough people everyone gets a house eventually. If you manage to survive.

Everyone was educated? Oh really? Educated freely, able to dissent in class without fear? Is that really how it was, Nadia? I don’t think so.

Nadia begins her simpering idiocy by suggesting that she’s not here to apologize for Saddam, and then proceeds to do exactly that. I have never lived under a totalitarian regime, so I cannot imagine the accommodations one must make just to get through each and every day. How your mind must twist trying to imagine what will make the dictator happy and trying to please him.

A quick Google search yields this tidbit-

Born in Iraq in 1972, Nadia immigrated to the United
States in 1981. She is currently a practicing attorney,
Former Board Member of the San Diego Chapter of
the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee.
Nadia is active in the struggle to preserve and protect
the civil liberties of Arab Americans Also a proponent
of the Palestinians struggle for self-determination and
the right of all Palestinians to return to their homes.

Interesting, the picture begins to focus.

"It goes beyond just worry about my immediate family," said Keilani, who works with the San Diego chapter of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee. "I'm a mom, and when I see pictures of little children with missing limbs . . . I can't imagine what they are living through."

Yeah, what we have here is not a simple girl bemoaning her beautiful country being smashed. No, what we have here is a professional victim and protester whose name shows up in many, many articles. The go-to gal when you need an anti-Bush statement, when you need a boo-freakin’-hoo story about the poor Arabs.

Someone who supports terrorism.

I was prepared to write about a poor girl who didn’t know any better. Unfortunately, like most on the left, Ms. Keilani knows all too well the evils she’s associated herself with and just doesn’t care.

This dovetails nicely with another point I wanted to make. Beware the company you keep, lefties. The majority of the organizers of this weekend's rallies started under an inauspicious banner.


I for one do not chuckle at silly old Communism. That old boogeyman of the right. That old canard tossed out to demonize the left, no, I think Communism is an ever present deal. Like any other foul ideology it can stage a comeback.

The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.
Dr. Joseph Mengele

The left in this country has always been shockingly cozy with Communism, that’s nothing new. The left has also been pretty consistently against this country, wishing to replace our stable, bountiful system with a homebrew nightmare concoction of Socialism and Communism.

Now, though, the left has made common cause with the worst dictators and regimes in the world, further marginalizing themselves and looking sillier by the day.

Israel is Fascist? Go vote in Palestine, see what good that does you as you march around with your oh-so-cool Palestinian headgear.

I cry for both the countries you mentioned too Ms. Keilani. Do you know why I weep?

Because fools like you would bring them both down to your level.